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12 success tips for dating exclusively!

Happy New Year Girls!

Congratulations to this being one of the best years unlike any other if you immerse yourself in learning to be your best self.

Here are some tips to help you navigate your exclusivity dilemmas:

1. Be light and breezy in your conversations with him. It's important to understand that men don't like deep or burdensome conversations. They are not made to handle these things. They dont like the angry or moody girlfriend they run away from her. Give him pleasant light answers when you speak with him on dates. 2. Always make an effort to look good for him. You dress for him but you also do it for yourself because you love yourself. A CUAO looks good on the outside and is confident on the inside. YOUR man appreciates when you look good all the time. He respects it and will respect you. When you look good he also knows you have your self esteem in order. If a woman can't spend time on herself he begins to think you don't love yourself and he may start to treat you badly instead of like a beautiful lady. 3. Continue to be feminine and have elegant table manners. A masculine man (not a man more into his feminine energy) appreciates the delicate beauty within his feminine woman. I know that when you are feeling more comfortable with a man you may want to wear more comfortable clothing or tie your hair up more or even have your hands on the table all the time at dinner but it doesn't look ladylike. Men notice things even if you think they don't. A feminine woman wouldn't burp constantly on dates in front of a man. It's unattractive. It's not elegant. Marilyn Munroe and Audrey Hepburn didn't do this in public. They conducted themselves with decorum. Just because you see him twice a week (If you are) it doesn't mean you should eat your spaghetti and chicken any old way. You would eat it with class. You would use your fork and turn it elegantly and eat it once it looks neat on the fork. If you aren't sure of how to use a fork to eat spaghetti 

please watch this video  CLICK HERE 4. You still don't bring up marriage first, let him talk about this on dates and don't feed too much into the talk. On dates you should talk about the joys you have for life such as art, work and a book you recently enjoyed reading. The idea is as a rulesgirl you're not convinced by his talk until he follows through with a ring and proposal. 5. In the car or taxi with him (If he doesn't drive, some men don't drive but save for bigger goals like buying a mortgage or expanding their business and just using taxis or a driver) don't talk too much, just seem happy, listen to him; enjoy the music and ride. 6. Continue to end the dates first. Just because he is your boyfriend and you feel comfortable it doesn't mean you should let him end the dates first or let them go on & on. You have to stick to   playing by the rules if you want him to continue to long for you. If you want him to crave you more and more keep ending the dates first. It also is a power tool. Psychologically he knows he hasn't won you over yet if you keep ending the dates. When you become too comfortable he knows it and he might take advantage of that. He might start calling less because giving too much to a man who hasn't made a solid commitment is a key element in the formula for failure. 7. When E&S wrote in all the rules that you can talk about your feelings once you've become exclusive but not heavy feelings, they meant that you can say stuff like "I'm feeling worried about my cat as she's unwell." NOT..."I'm so inlove with you, you're the best boyfriend ever. I can't wait to spend my future with you." Save the heavy talks for your friends who don't know him or who know how to keep your conversation private. Men still need to see that you are emotionally controlled/emotionally stable. Remember, men see the emotional and overexpressing woman as the one that's crazy. His perspective is if something goes wrong it will be hell for him. Men are repelled by emotionally unstable women. CUAOs are emotionally stable and available to the right man! 8.  You should continue to be upbeat, pleasant and charming on dates and even on the phone in your 10 minute call (15 min max call if abroad). You have to show and convey some compassion or warmth in your voice. If you are on a date and he tells you something deep, awful news or emotional for him like his aunt or mum has passed away, this isn't the time to say "Oh gee..bummer; she was a nice woman." You would look this man in his eyes and show care. You would listen as he speaks." 9. If you spend the night at his place or he spends the night at yours (the rules girls who aren't religious or waiting until marriage) don't kiss him good morning, just have your shower, get dressed, be nice and head home or to work. Don't try to have future talks during these times or hint about the future. He wants the woman who goes about her business - so continue to be that woman! 10. Continue or start (If you weren't before) to disappear in between dates. He shouldn't hear from you everyday just because he's your boyfriend. Remember, He isn't your husband. That's a husbands privilege. He hasn't earned that yet so don't give it away freely. You aren't easily accessible unless it warrants something valuable for your time (i.e a real date). Men fall inlove when there is space. Let him try to close the gap each time, not you! If he's getting "too much togetherness" and you're too available to talk it weakens his desire for you. It weakens your chances of him proposing with a beautiful ring. Be busy with your own life in between dates! 11. He still has to take you out on dates. Your boyfriend should still be taking you out for Saturday night dinner dates once a week consistently even after 4 or 6 months or 8 months of dating. Once you're married there should be a regular date night (sat night dinner). No hanging out only dates. No Netflix dates only. If you relax on the rules, he will "relax the relationship courtship" on you. Courtship isn't casual! 12. Even after dating for 6 months, he should still come to you or pick you up somewhere convienent for you. The only time you meet a man half way is when he is your husband and he forgot his briefcase or some important notes for a meeting and can't make it back home then back to the office in time before the meeting or just fax it to him. If he's your boyfriend and he left his keys to his gym locker at your house, he should come to your house to collect it. You don't jump in your car and drive to the gym to give it to him. He forget his gym locker keys not where you live! Having difficulties navigating the different stages in your relationship? Book  a consultation now HERE.

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